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Help Documentation

Welcome to On-line Help

Hammer Head Sales, LLC. Help Center

Please Select From One Of The Topics Below

Introduction to Our Help System

Main Help Page

The main help page allows you to find the help you need to properly use our website.

Basic Help

Overview of our Help System.

The main help page allows you to find the help you need to properly use our website. Basic info to help you use this site Welcome Hammer Head Sales online inventory catalog! If you are a web guru, we think you will find our new site fast, powerful and hopefully useful to find the products you need. If you are new to web browsing, we hope you will find our site easy to use, yet powerful enough to help you fill your orders and replenish your inventory! Make hammerheadsales.com Your Home Page Please bookmark our hammerheadsales.com home page so it will be one of the first sites whenever you load your web browser! If you are using Mozilla or IE 7.0+ you can set hammerheadsales.com to open in one of the browser tabs. Please Note The search engine requires that your web browser is set to accept cookies. We use cookies to save the keywords from search to search. We do not share or permanently store any information for which you are searching. Please make sure that your web browser is set to accept cookies for hammerheadsales.com. If you have any questions, please contact our webmaster using the link on the bottom of this page.

Searching for Products

Best Search Tips

The Product Search bar on the top of each page of the web site allows you to search by product number, manufacturer's numbers, upc number, description or brand name.

Searching for Product Numbers
Enter the full product number or a portion of the product number. If you search for 1006, the search engine will find 1006 or 10062 or 61002 if those are valid numbers.

Searching for UPC Numbers and MFG Numbers
Generally the search engine will find all matches for upc numbers and mfg numbers. The search will also find partial matches. It is not necessary to enter the full upc number or the full mfgno.

You can easily find all items by a specific vendor by entering the name of the vendor. Unless abbreviations are included in the vendor name, the system will not find abbreviations.

Searching for Descriptions
Searching for a description is the most powerful feature of the search engine. You can enter a full description or keywords. For instance you can type hammer rip to find all rip hammers. You can enter a portion of the word. For example, ham cla would find all claw hammers. In general you want to find a balance by entering just what you need to find an item and not too many keywords. If you enter more keywords than you need, you risk finding no items or limiting the number of items found.

You may enter the keywords in any order you want. Searching for Quart Honey is the same as Honey Quart. If searching for sizes, you do not need to enter quotes. If you find too many products, you can try entering more keywords into your search. For instance, if you type wrench you will find the search returns approximately 175 results. Try entering wrench set or wrench filter to narrow the results. If you are still finding too many items, try entering different search keywords.

Generally you do not want to add an "s" for plural. For example, to find all hammers, enter only hammer.


Important Features
Here are some of the most useful features of our site

  1. Strong Search Engine
  2. Contact Hammer Head Sales or a salesperson
  3. Vendor References
  4. Important Industry Links
  5. View Product Specials
  6. Easily View New Items
  7. View Canceled & Discontinued Items
  8. View Company Services
  9. Gravel Mix, Mortgage & Other Calculators

Coming Soon

Here are a few features that will be coming to our web site sometime before the end of the year. We glady accept input from our dealers and we hope that you will contact us or our webmaster with any ideas that you may have!